In December 2023 I launched Power Pumps, a newsletter for busy women
I asked my past self, the self that used to hunt in the corporate jungles of Facebook, “What do those women want??” 🤔 Women like me, busy power-bees who are scaling professional peaks, leading companies and running households.
The answer was 30 hours in the day.
The second answer was, "why not a newsletter with ideas on how to make the available 24 hours productive with a dose of self-indulgence, because why work so hard otherwise?"
So in this newsletter, I help women keep up with trends and strategies that could make their work and personal life better as well as more beautiful & trendy & fragrant💪🏽 👠
I share things like - new software and tools that could you with you productivity game; interviews with influential ladies out there who are killing it in the mud pit and have tips on what you can do to win; fun new products to buy that will scream POWER and STYLE; things that are en vogue or (will be soon); and everything that I think will improve your busy life.
If that's exciting, subscribe here

I wanted to know where my money is going when I shop on Amazon. So I made this chrome extension that shows you the country where an Amazon product comes from.
The country of origin data is gathered from various Amazon country sites and displayed as flags on search results pages and product pages where it is available. Products without country of origin data will be displayed as missing that information.
The extension is currently available for Amazon US, UK, India, and Canada.
Note: This extension has no affiliation with Amazon.

I love history. But remembering dates bores me. It didn't matter to me if something happened in 1876 or 1996. They were just numbers to me. But dates ARE an important. And in an attempt to make sense of the dates, I started plotting historical events on timeline (made on google sheets). That visualization changed everything.
Now I could see relations between different historical timelines, observe patterns and ask interesting question. Eg: a timeline could reveal that individuals who had a significant impact in history despite living for a relatively short time. Like Alexander the Great. You see him appear as a short 32 year old blip on the timeline of Ancient Greece whereas his impact seems far greater. Through visualization, I could also compare two seemingly unrelated timelines and find connections. Eg: India's successful fight for freedom from the British seems to coincide with the end of WWII. Could there be a connections there?
If you are into history, check out my template, you might enjoy it.